This is a dating red flag according to 64% of men

by Sid

**Young Women Admit Communist Beliefs is Top Red Flag for Men**

According to a recent survey by Change Research, more than half of the women identified as a communist is a dating red flag, This new data showed a whopping 64% of male respondents wouldn’t date a communist. By contrast, 55 of female respondents also said they’d be put off by a communist date, when asked what the biggest red flag was.

The survey results demonstrate a broader trend of men and women having increasingly divergent political views. In 2021, 44% of women identified as liberal, while only 25% of men did. The overall survey results show men and women are increasingly divided on sociopolitical stances.

**People who date someone politically dissimilar are ‘generally less satisfied’**

As this gap widens, it gets harder and harder to imagine dating someone who exists across it reported Daniel Cox, director and founder of the Survey Center on American Life. Politics also bleed into daily habits, says Cynthia Peacock, an associate professor at the University of Alabama college of communication and information sciences. Her research indicates political dissimilarities affect relationship satisfaction.

**Daniel Huff, founder of The Right Stuff, a dating app for conservatives, says “Dating is hard enough”**
According to Daniel Huff, a former adviser to the Donald Trump White House and founder of The Right Stuff, a dating app for conservatives, dating in today’s politically divided climate is difficult. He shared an experience dating in Washington, D.C., for the former president, he met up with a woman for what he calls “the record for the shortest date ever.” After sharing his political leanings she left without even taking a sip of wine.

**Political leanings act as a proxy for beliefs and character**
Alyssandra Tobin, 29 from Missoula, Montana, uses caution when disclosing her political views. She identifies as more of a “leftist or anarchist.” She has had unpleasant encounters with those on the opposite side of the political spectrum assisting in her decision to share her beliefs slowly when meeting new people. Studies show that people are most comfortable with dating someone who shares similar political beliefs as their own.

The findings of the survey demonstrate a large difference between men and women’s political beliefs and show how diverse political views can impact dating relationships.

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